Saturday, October 01, 2005


这是一篇很值得看的文摘: 灰平衡

  灰平衡是使印刷油墨调 成中性灰的标准,一种解决偏色的调节方法。因为理想的油墨与实际制作出来的油墨对不 同色光的反射特性不同造成的。在试印条时,将CMY油墨按一定的比例试印,找出一种搭配可以将中性灰的RGB图像进行正确还原。在彩色扩印系统试片时也要 以一种统一的底片(中性灰)做为根据制作出标准的灰度照片,然后将色彩的配比数据存入电脑。这就是简而言之的灰平衡,下面就灰平衡的定义、在印前印刷过程 中的构成与作用以及校正和应用等方面详细分析和逐级讲述。


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Mac OS X for Intel Processors

Install OSX x86 Darwin
  1. The first step is to get Darwin 8.0.1 from Apple's darwin site. You can get that from Open
  2. Once downloaded, burn the cd image OSX x86Darwin to CD. Than start it in your pc.

Enjoy and play OSX x86 in command line ...
More info please check:
Apple Developer Page or

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Mac Tech Info and News Links

Useful Macintosh News and Tech Links:

Monday, May 30, 2005

数码网点打稿 - Digital Printing Screen Proof

数码打稿是近来业界的热门话题。但现时的系统大都是异步处理,缺乏同步性。所谓异步处理,就是使用一个专用的RIP作数码打稿处理,而输出菲林或直接制版 (CtP)时,又使用另一个RIP处理。当输出菲林或直接制版时,若有缺字、迭印(Overprint)、低解图像、RGB图像等问题时,都无法在这些系 统中查验出来。另外,现时的数码打稿系统,大都使用调频网点(FM Screening),只可作色彩较对之用,不能检查网点有否出错,是否有牛顿环现像或圭纹现状。


业 界新近出现一词-R.O.O.M.(Rip Once Output Many,一次处理作多种输出)。只以光栅处理器作一次处理,便可输出至多种不同的输出设备。如照排机、直接制版机或彩色喷墨机等。因为只有一次处理,一 旦缺字、迭印(Overprint)时,都可在数码打稿上查验出来。如海德堡的Delta系统及赛天使的CT/LW系统等。但该等系统仍未能与网点同步, 只可对色,不能检查网点。现今直接制版系统逐渐流行,对数码打稿需求大增。业界渴求的是真正的R.O.O.M.及可察看网点的数码打稿系统。

这 次向业界介绍的是Compose System的Star Proof数码网点打稿系统。此系统是在Apple Macintosh的OSX上运行。可接受由Harlequin RIP、 Agfa Taipan RIP、 Dainippon Screen Pixel Stream或其它RIP产生出来的1-bittiff四色点阵档案。可支持CCITTG4、CCITTG3、CCITTHuffmanRLE、 Packbit等压缩格式。 Star Proof使用真网点转移技术,配合Epson Stylus Pro10000的可变打印点技术(VSDT),可以把高至200lpi的网点转移至Epson Stylus Pro10000打印出来。当上述的RIP产生出来的1-bittiff四色点阵档,送至Star Proof的Hot Folder上,它便马上把这些四色点阵档覆合、处理、运算、转换成彩色喷墨机讯号,再经彩色喷墨机打印作较稿,查验无误后,便可把该1-bittiff 四色点阵档输出至照排机或直接制版机输出。因为是由同一组1-bittiff数据同步输出(R.O.O.M.),加上真网点转移,所有印刷效果,都能在数 码打稿上表现出来,以确保不会有任何误差。

StarProof独有的色彩管理系统,使用传统电分机的色彩修正概念,简单而有效地把喷墨颜 色,调至与印刷颜色一致,只需一台分光密度仪,量度印刷印张 及打稿印张内CMYK的每色100%、80%、40%三点密度,然后输入系统内,系统便会自动计算,把色彩修正至与印刷颜色接近。然后再通过微调处理,便 可达至与印刷颜色一样。

用户可自定及建立一个或多个专色库,利用Star Proof的Color shade功能把专色库内的专色转换成最接近的四色。而专色库可汇入Illustrator 8.0 Swatch Libraries的档案,如PANTONE Coated、 DIC COLOR等。另外StarProof可模拟不透明墨的印刷效果,亦可模拟出印色先后次序及迭印效果。

Star Proof的De-imposition功能可把大版分拆成小版输出,配合较小的打印机。Ganging功能可把多页小版合并成大版打印,节省耗材。


StarProof Support Large Format InkJet Printer: Epson 4000, 7600, 9600, 10000, 4800, 7800, 9800 etc.
Starproof PDF: ( PDF: 6 pages / 481KB) [ DOWNLOAD ]

Monday, April 11, 2005

PCI USB Card for Classic Mac

If you bought a PCI USB card plug into your classic mac - PCI based Macintosh : 7200, 7300, 8500, 8600, 9500 or 9600. You need to download this : USB_Card_Support_1.4.1 from Apple site to make it work. It will support USB 1.1 based mouse, mass storage, printer etc.
当您买PCI卡时, 看清楚其CHIPSET. 有些没有支持的. :)

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Adobe Pushes DNG Image Format

Many photographers work in Raw-format files from their digital cameras and are frustrated by the many versions out there—varying not just from manufacturer to manufacturer but also from camera to camera. But Adobe is trying to solve that problem with its Digital Negative Specification.

Adobe Systems Inc. in September 2004 introduced DNG, a public format for Raw digital camera files, along with a free software tool, Adobe DNG Converter, which translates many of the Raw photo formats (images before any in-camera processing) used today into the new DNG file format.

Adobe is also letting any manufacturer that wants to use the format in its cameras, printers and software applications do that for free without any limitations in the hopes of encouraging them to accept it as the standard.

Shooting Raw images means photographers can avoid dealing with the compression and loss of image quality involved with shooting JPEGs. But with that change comes the problem that Adobe has addressed: Each manufacturer uses a proprietary format that is specific to its cameras and might not be compatible with Adobe's Photoshop or other editing software.

The Digital Negative Specification, Adobe hopes, will become the single format, allowing users to store information from a diverse range of cameras.

The DNG Specification now gives photographers the ability to embed the original image within the DNG file format directly from the Adobe DNG Converter so that any Raw image, no matter the camera it came from, would end up as a DNG file.

Professional photographers generally prefer to store Raw files in long-term image archives, because—unlike standard JPEG and TIFF images—these files represent the pure, unaltered shot. Because Raw formats are tied to specific camera models, it could mean that particular format would not be supported over time, according to Adobe.

The Digital Negative Specification is based on the TIFF EP format that is already the basis of many proprietary raw formats. The technology behind the DNG format lies in a set of metadata that must be included in the file to describe key details about the camera and settings. DNG-compliant software and hardware can adapt to handle new cameras as they are introduced. DNG is also flexible enough to allow camera manufacturers to continue to add their own "private" metadata fields.

The Digital Negative Specification is being posted to the Adobe Web site, and is free of any legal restrictions or royalties, enabling integration of the DNG file format into digital cameras, printers and software products. DNG format is also supported in Adobe Photoshop CS as part of an updated Camera Raw Plug-in, also now available. Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 also supports DNG files.

S.E.A. NET: 看了这篇报道后, 可看出Adobe的苦心和野心. 这是Adobe在PS(Postscript)到PDF后的一个重大的佈暑. 一旦DNG成为标准后, 一众各大厂商可要服首称臣了. 哈哈哈, 像不像商业始皇帝?

Monday, April 04, 2005

Sending Files to Your ColorSEP (Service Bureau)

When you send a digital file out for film or printing more goes along than just your InDesign or QuarkXPress document. You may need to send fonts and graphics too.

Usually your ColorSEP or printer will ask you to send:

  • Be sure your ColorSEP or printer has the same software, same version.
  • If you've upgraded before your ColorSEP or printer, you may have to 'save down' your file to the version they use.
  • Insure that the shop can handle files from your platform.
  • Few ColorSEP or printer accept Microsoft Publisher (.pub) files or files from anything other than the Adobe programs, QuarkXPress, Corel, and etc. Ask first.
  • Send both screen and printer fonts.
  • If you have embedded EPS files that include text not converted to curves, send the fonts for those images as well.
  • You could embed all your fonts or convert text to curves to avoid having to send font files.
  • Send the same version of the font (that is, if you used TrueType fonts but send the Type 1 version of that typeface you may see errors).
  • Convert RGB images to CMYK.
  • Don't change graphics file names unless you first re-link them in your application file.
  • In some instances your ColorSEP or printer may want you to also send original format graphics (Freehand, Illustrator, Photoshop files) in addition to the placed EPS/TIFF images in your page layout application — for troubleshooting purposes. Ask them.
Electronic Transmission
  • Some ColorSEP or printers will accept files as email attachments or by FTP or AFP (Appleshare) over the Internet. You find it necessary to compress files into an archive files first to speed the file transfer.

Friday, March 18, 2005

View PDF Files Thumbnails Before You Open

Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0
Open files from windows version Adobe Acrobat Reader, you will enable view thumbnails in open file windows. It will take some time if the file size is big, but depand on you system speed or network speed.

View Thumbnails Before You Open - Acrobat Reader 7.0 Windows Version. Thank to Adobe.

Print Booklets with Adobe Acrabot Reader 7.0

A common request from people using PDF is to be able to print multiple pages of a PDF on the one sheet of paper. For example, rather than print out a 10-page PDF document on 10 separate sheets of paper, you could create a booklet by imposing 2 pages from the PDF on each sheet of paper.

Before version 7.0 of Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader were released, users had to look to 3rd party products if they wanted to achieve n-up printing. Now, n-up printing is available to users of the free Adobe Reader 7 via the Print dialog (File > Print), as shown below.

Print Booklets with Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0

Thursday, March 17, 2005

About JDF


簡單來說,JDF是一個以XML語言而建議之工業標準,用來指導軟件生產商及印刷器材生產商於系統設計時預 留之溝通制式。
- JDF是設計讓軟件及硬件溝通之用。
- JDF是設計讓全程使用,即從媒體、設計、生產、倉庫發貨等全面應用。
- JDF期望各部分能有雙向溝通功能。
目前基於PDF(Print Production Format)及PJTF(Portable Job Ticket Format)是可全面與JDF兼容,又因為XML具有強大之發展性及生命力,故此JDF本身亦是一個具有強大發展潛力的協定。

因為各硬件生產商從製版到後加工機械廠都支援此協定 ,故此每部件之雙向溝通應不成問題。
- JDF亦能在MIS或製版液體中做出預設 ,使整個生產更順更快。
- JDF亦支援色彩管理系統。
- JDF亦可加強MIS中之生產管理力。
- JDF支援估價及生產時之成本控制。


- JDF因XML其強大線上功能,亦能使MIS系統把廠內即時現狀在線上溝通。
- JDF亦容許客戶於網上報資料。
- JDF亦容許客戶群之相關生產數據上網。

試想一間雜誌印刷廠 ,有不同之雜誌在不同時間付印,而每本雜誌之內容有不同之供件人如廣告及內文編輯,不同之打稿要求及送稿簽收人。
在 歐洲有一間如上之印刷廠,採用一JDF基礎之管理生產系統。電子檔從不同之來源進行自動排版光柵流程,自動識別雜誌書號後自動光柵處理,自動打稿及安排送 簽系統追蹤打稿確認後,自動拼大版,及安排印刷時間,追蹤確認後,自動拼大版,及安排印刷時間 ,追蹤印後加工及發貨收貨核實。

2005年會是值得關注之時間。德國展覽全世界CTP突破10000台,及JDF 2.0版正式面世,相關軟硬件相繼出台。相信會是繼97年CTP熱潮之後一波 。


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional

Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional software was created with the specific needs of print service providers in mind. The most comprehensive version of Adobe Acrobat ever produced has been tailored to give you the tools needed to meet both your daily file processing needs as well as the challenges faced by the print industry. Based on feedback solicited from creative and print/prepress professionals, Adobe built many new features into Acrobat 7.0 Professional for them, including reliable, predictable output options; preflighting; the ability to preview and print color separations and transparency; control over spot colors; and the tools to create and validate PDF/X compliance.

An example Adobe PDF file with both the Separation Preview and the Loupe tool activated . Note the red circle on the building. The Loupe tool is magnifying the circle by 360% making it clearly visible in the Loupe tool window. Because the Loupe tool cursor is positioned on the circle (note where the arrow is pointing) the information at that point is displayed in the Separation Preview dialog box. You can see that the circle is a 45% tint of PMS 711. You can also see that at that point the color is 32% Cyan, 25% Magenta, 23% Yellow, and 21% Black. The square boxes on the left side of the Separation Preview palette hide and show plates and switch spot to process views. The pointing arrow is PMS 7406 and is now shown as process, indicated by the process designation replacing the X in the adjacent box.

Print professionals fear finding mistakes that cause them to stop the press, or cause a bottleneck at the RIP due to improperly created PDF files. New preflighting tools in Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional such as the new Separation Preview and Transparency Flattener Preview provide you with tools to perform thorough virtual inspections of Adobe PDF documents.

What You Thing About Quark XPress 6.5?

QuarkXPress 6.5 update

QuarkXPress® 6 software brought projects and layers, synchronized text, multiple undo, tables, and more. QuarkXPress 6.5 augments some of these features and provides even more enhancements that help to increase productivity, save time, and take advantage of the newest technologies. And for a limited time, as a registered QuarkXPress 6.5 user, can download a font package with more than 40 OpenType® fonts from Linotype®.

The enhancements make:
  • Import native Adobe® Photoshop documents (.psd files) into QuarkXPress and exploit the power of multi-layer Photoshop images without leaving QuarkXPress.
  • Place guides on a master page’s pasteboard and display them automatically in your layout.
  • Group tables with other QuarkXPress items including other tables, picture boxes, and text boxes.
  • Customize printing features such as saving output settings for custom bleeds as print styles.
  • Simplify IT management with support for Citrix servers and run the application off a server instead of an individual user’s computer.

Import native Adobe® Photoshop documents (.psd files).